Title: NEW Disney Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge Opening Day Adult T-Shirt M Medium Navy 100% Cotton Note: Brand NEW with Disney's Tag / NWT I have several sizes - please see my other listings. This shirt features the Black Spire Outpost and the Millennium Falcon It is from Disney in Orlando, Florida (official merchandise). It is from opening day August 29, 2019. It is adult size. The Disney tag shows a 34.99 price tag. In Stock and Fast FREE Shipping from Florida! 99% of the time my packages are shipped out before 10:00 am EST. I even ship on Saturdays. Satisfaction Guaranteed! Be sure to check out the Captainmouse or Mousecaptain Store (100% Positive Feedback) for great sales and service. Hundreds of similar (and different) items from which to choose. Shipping Note: When faster shipping is a comparable price I will upgrade! Visit Our Store for More Great Products My Disney items are all 100% authentic. They have come from the Disney World park in Orlando, Florida.